Used Peugeot manuals

Choosing the right Peugeot for you will depend upon your own particular needs and preferences. For example, you may prefer petrol over diesel, one finish over another, and even the addition of selected technology features. Another area where your preference comes into play is in selecting the right transmission. With Trenton Peugeot in Hull and Grimsby, we aim to provide solutions that meet the needs of everyone, which is why you can visit us today and find a host of used Peugeot manual vehicles ready and waiting to buy.

All used Peugeots currently in stock have been carefully chosen based on their overall condition and level of performance. In fact, we also ensure that our talented technicians carry out full health checks before any model makes it onto our forecourt, thereby upholding the exceptional standards you’v come to expect from the marque. We also aim to ensure that each vehicle is affordable, with competitive rates of financing available across the range.

To learn more about the used Peugeot manual vehicles we have in stock, click on the listings on this page now. You’ll be able to review the full specification and take a closer look at key features thanks to the latest images that are available.